Resume looking at my CV, thank you.

2009 MFA PRINTMAKING The Rhode Island School of Design
2005 BFA PRINTMAKING/GLASS Alfred University
Solo Exhibitions
2018-2019 Kara Dunne: Ag Dul Sios an Staighre, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA
2013 A Castle is a Trailer on its End, Sheetz Gallery, Penn State Altoona, Altoona, PA
A Trailer is a Castle on its Side, Lewis Art Gallery, Millsaps College, Jackson MS
2024 Zooming In, Rhode Island Water Color Society, Pawtucket, RI
The No Theme, Theme Show, Covet Art Gallery, Oceanside, CA
2022 Surface In/Sight: Printmaking Today, Core New Art Space, Lakewood, CO
Against The Grain, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2021 That's Effin' Funny!, Shoebox Projects, Los Angeles
Womyn's Werq, Studio Montclair, Montclair, NJ
2020 Providence Art Club National Open Juried Exhibition 2020, Providence, RI, juror Matthew Hargraves, PhD, Chief Curator of the Yale Center for British Art. J. Banigan Sullivan Award for Artistic Excellence
Intersections, Umpqua Valley Arts, Roseburg, OR
Newport Annual, Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI
2019 Contemporary Landscape, CICA Museum, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
That's What She Said, Edwin W. Zoller Gallery, Penn State University, University Park, PA
2018 That's What She Said, AFA Gallery, Scranton, PA
Domestic Affairs: Domesticity, Identity, and the Home, Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI
Contextileized, Jamestown Art Center, Jamestown, RI
Representing Feminism(s), Lamont Gallery, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Temporal and Corporeal: A Broad Scope of Performance Art, Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, OH
Boston Printmakers Biennial 2017, Lunder Arts Center, Cambridge, MA, Judith Brodie juror
2017 Restructure, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, MA
Critical Concerns, Janalyn Hanson Gallery, Mount Mercy University, Cedar Rapids, IA
14th Annual Blanche Ames National Art Exhibition, Ames Mansion, Borderland State Park
American Dream, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, TX
Tell Me a Story, Foundry Art Centre, Saint Charles, MO
Text and Image, Site: Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
Bon Marche, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY
Works on Paper 2017, LBIF of the Arts and Sciences gallery, Jane Pancetta juror, 3rd Place
Expect Us, Thompson Gallery, Cambridge School of Weston, Cambridge, MA
Serial Box Video Festival, Serial Box Storefront, Columbia, MI
1st Annual Compendium Juried Show, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA
Printmaking Reimagined, Beard & Weil Galleries, Wheaton College, Norton, MA
Juried Show 2017, Blue Mountain Gallery, New York, NY
2016 CICA Experimental Film and Video Exhibition, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Humor Me!, Visual Art Exchange, Raleigh NC
Filmideo 2016, Index Art Center, NJ
Spectrum, Hera Gallery, Wakefield, RI
The Pull of the Print, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, OR
Illuminated: A Celebration of Contemporary Illustration, The Alternative Gallery, Allentown, PA
2015 New Prints: Autumn, International Print Center New York, NY
Chrysalis Lens: A Brief Survey of Contemporary Video Art, Marymount California University, CA
36th Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition, Heuser Art Center Gallery, Peoria, IL
International Drawing Annual 9, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
2014 East Meets West, Two Person Show, College of the Sequoias Art Gallery, Visalia, CA
Video Art Exhibition, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT
2013 1st Annual Experimental Video Festival, Launch Pad Cooperative, Toledo, OH
There/Here: A Mobile Exhibit, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
90sec: Brief Works by Emerging Video Artists, NOVA Woodbridge Gallery, Woodbridge, VA
Connecting the Dots, Peregrine Gallery, Providence, RI
3rd Annual Printmaking Juried Show, Manhattan Graphics Council, New York
Juried Print Show, Sinclair Galleries, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA
2012 RSVP 2012, New Wilmington Art Association Gallery, Wilmington, DE
Paradoxes in Video 3, Garage 4141, San Diego, CA
Lo Studio dei Nipoti, Hillyer Gallery, Washington DC
Flat Out, The AC Institute, New York, NY
Love?, The Arthur M. Berger Art Gallery, Purchase, NY
The Locals, Keesch Studio, Providence, RI
9 x 12 Works on Paper, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Fort Worth, TX
2011 Sweeping up the Mess, The White Carpet Gallery at Hillyard, Urbandale, IA
7 Deadly Sins, Studio 659, Whiting, IN
ArcheTime Film Festival, The Wix Lounge, Chelsea, NY
33rd Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition, Heuser Art Center Gallery, Contemporary Art Center, Peoria, IL
Voxelvision 1.0, Vox Populi, Philadelphia, PA
2010 DIGit 2010 Digital Media Exhibition, Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg, NY
2009 Graduate Exhibition, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI
Everything is Fine: The Art Market is Fine, Risties’ Gallery, Providence, RI
Lather, Rinse, Repeat As Desired, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
One Nation: Under God?, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
The Anti-Thesis, Benson Gallery, Providence, RI
Facing Expectations, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI
Printmaking Graduate Show, Sol Koffler, Providence, RI
2008 Boston Young Contemporaries, Gallery 808, Boston MA
Jurors: Tom McGrath, Jackie Gendel, and Roger White
2006 Americas 2000: All Media Competition, Norwest Arts Center, Minot ND Art In Odd Places Exhibition, Lower East Side, Manhattan National Prize Show, Cambridge Art Association, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge MA
Arte Sagrado, Concordia University Gallery, Houston, TX
2005 My Country, Right or Left: L.H. Horton Jr. Gallery, Stockton, CA, honorable mention
B.F.A. senior show, Alfred, NY
We made nothing but the cake, Turner Gallery, Alfred NY
2004 It’s a GID show, Turner Gallery, Alfred NY
GID Chateau, Cell Space, Alfred NY
2003 Womb Work, Empty Set Gallery, Pittsfield MA
2010 - present
2010 - present
2024 Passengers Journal, Vol. 5 Issue 2
2023 Artist Mother: Proud and Serious, Vol. 1, Mona Lerch
2021 Action, Spectacle, Spring 2021
2019 Friend of the Artist, Volume 9
Wot is Art, October issue
Manifest INDA14
2018 Women CineMakers, Special Edition
2011 “Whiting’s Studio 659 hosts a ‘Sin’ful exhibit”, NWI Times, Shellberg, April 15
2010 “Elsewhere Collaborative: Community, Dispersal, and Reciprocity”, Art Papers, Rebecca Dimling Cochran, 2010
2009 “ RISD graduate show embraces the new austerity”, Providence Journal, Bill Van Siclen, May 21, 2009
2006 “Look Up From Your Beer, There’s Art”, New York Metro, Amy Zimmer, September 6, 2006
2006 “Public Displays of Expression”, New York Press, Karl Milchman, Vol. 19, Issue 37, September 13-19 2006
2014 Surel's Place, Boise Idaho
2012 The Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, County Clare, Ireland
2011 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts Residency Award, Nebraska City, NE
2010 Prairie Center For the Arts, Peoria, IL
2009 Elsewhere Collaborative, Greensboro, NC
2020 J. Banigan Sullivan Award for Artistic Excellence
2010 Kimmel Harding Nelson Residency Award
2009 Albert K. Murray Fine Art Scholarship
2007- 2009 Graduate Fellowship, Rhode Island School of Design
2008 Graduate Fine Arts Award of Excellence, Rhode Island School of Design
2001- 2005 President Scholar, Alfred University
2001 Foundations Award, NYSCC at Alfred University